Friday, 21 September 2007
Blog Rush
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Thursday, 31 May 2007
Creating More Power In Your Swing
Your body, arms and club are all levers and used in the correct way create enormous power.
From the top of the swing. your left knee starts to move back towards the target, your weight shifts to the left, your body starts to rotate, then your right elbow starts to straighten and then your wrist starts to unhinge.
As you can see here, the sequence is going from the largest muscle to the smallest. If you use your body in the correct way, it is impossible to come over the top or hit a snap hook. These two shots are the result of the body not working properly.
Thursday, 17 May 2007
The Ten Commandments of Golf

I. Play to Play Great. Don't play not to play poorly.
II. Love the challenge of the day, whatever it may be.
III. Get out of results and get into process.
IV. Know that nothing will bother or upset you on the golf course, and you will be in a great state of mind for every shot.
V. Playing with a feeling that the outcome doesn't matter is almost always preferable to caring too much.
VI. Believe fully in yourself so you can play freely.
VII. See where you want the ball to go before every shot.
VIII. Be decisive, committed and clear.
IX. Be your own best friend.
X. Love your wedge and your putter.
If you use these ten commandments, then you can't help but improve. This is by far the best book by Dr Rotella. To get your copy from Amazon,
click here.
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Golf Stretches = A Better Golfswing
If these muscles are tight, then you will not be able to get into the proper positions in the swing, and as a result will have to make compensations. Not something that you want to start doing. Remember the rule of Cause and Effect? Well whatever happens has an equal and opposit reaction.
For example, if your hamstrings are tight, then your right leg will want to straighten as you coil to the top (Notice how Vijay has kept the flex in hist right knee as he has coiled to the top). If this happens, then you will have to make the necessary adjustment on the downswing. To check if your hamstrings are tight, grab a golf club in each hand and hold them three feet in front of you. This is to help you keep your balance.
With your right leg, take a step back two feet. From here, keeping your legs straight, you went to lower the upper body down as far as you can. If you can't get your upper body parallel to the ground, then you have a problem with your hamstrings. Does for both legs.
If you have tight hamstrings, then I want you to lie on the floor on your back, with one leg on the ground and the other in the air. Wrap a towel round the bottom of your foot and grab each end in your hands. Gradually straighten your leg against the towel and see how far you can go. Hold the stretch for thirty seconds and then repeat for the other side. You should do this twice for each leg and once per day if possible.
This is a great stretch and will soon have those hamstrings loose and you making a better swing in no time.
Monday, 14 May 2007
Dial in the Distance with Your Wedges
Well, if you want to realise your potential or maybe one day play on the PGA Tour, you need to be good with your wedges. So, what can you do to improve your wedge play?
First of all, you need to be able to control your distances. If you can control your distance, then you will knock it a lot closer and the closer you knock it, the higher the probability that you will make the putt. Golf is a numbers game, and to lower your score you need to know your numbers.
If you have three wedges in your bag, then you have essentially NINE distances at your disposal. If you visualise your swing as a clock, and your arms as the hour hand, then you have three positions on the clock per club.
The three postions that your arms should swing to are: 7.30, 9.00 and 10.30. If you can swing to these three positions with each wedge (pitching, sand and lob wedge) and measure the distance, you will give yourself a better chance and getting up and down more often. All three shots should be played at the same rhythm.
This is one of the quickest ways to lower your score, and is something that anyone can do regardless of athletic ability. I have played against golfers that don't hit it as far as me, but have beat me because they were better with a wedge in their hand.
The moral of the story: Better Wedge Play, Means Lower Scores.
So what you waiting for? Lets go and shoot some lower scores!!!
Thursday, 10 May 2007
It Don't Mean a Thing, If You Ain't Got That Swing
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Think Better & You Will Score Better
My shelves are full of books on the mental game of golf, but is probably my favourite. Rather than just telling stories about great comebacks, it gives you the techniques to equip yourself on the golf course.
We have all heard that voice in your head saying "Don't hit it in the water, please don't hit it in the water" and then "Splash". What you say to yourself on the golf course can be the difference between shooting your best ever score and that dreaded "c" word that me just wont mention.
Just to show you how good the book is I will give you one of the techniques for you to go away and work on. It is all about Self Talk. Here it is:
"Many people absolutely torture themselves with their internal dialogue. Over the next couple of rounds try stepping out of the action and just listen to what's actually going on. Most of this internal dialogue has become so habitual and so unconscious that you're unaware of its presence and effect. Go out next time and just tune in to what's occurring; you may even start to smile at the abuse and torture that you're inflicting on yourself. After the round, take a pen and jot down a couple of the things that you have said to yourself out on the course. When you actually see this on paper you will see it for what it is - ridiculous. This first step is vital though, because you can't change something unless you know what it is! Have fun with this and maybe even observe the self-torture your playing partners are inflicting upon themselves."
I have tortured myself on many an occassion. I have completely revamped my thought process and now have a lot more fun on the course, and as a result, what do you know, I play better and my scores are better.
This is a tiny investment in your game, but can give you such lucrative rewards if you take that bit of time to implement these techniques. You can get your hands on a copy of from Amazon.
Fitness Level Up, Golf Scores Down!
Friday, 4 May 2007
Do You Wish You Could Hole More Putts?
Whether it is a 15 footer for birdie, or a downhill 3 footer for par, holing a few putts is going to make a big difference to your scorecard. Lets have a look at the fundamentals of putting. For today, we will concentrate on the set up. Once we are in the correct position, it is a lot easier to promote a good stroke.
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Golf Clubs for Beginners
Great Golf at Orange Lake - Orlando
The Legends course is great, and designed by a true legend in Arnold Palmer. My favourite hole is probably the 10th. It is a fairly wide driving hole, but the second shot is great. Water in front and bunkers at the back. The green is shallow and slopes from back to front (can be a bit scary if you are long). I haven't played the Reserve course since it was re-designed, but eagerly waiting for my trip in a few weeks time to play it. They have got two driving ranges. The new Reserve range is now floodlit with a short game area and putting green also floodlit. I am in heaven. For the fun element, they have two 18 hole Putt-Putt courses, which are a lot of fun.
The pro shops have got a good selection of clothing and the staff are very friendly. I have played golf with a couple of them over the years. The best part is when you return and they remember your name. It is a great feeling, and that is what good customer service is all about. I am counting down the days until my return to . It is such a big place and is always a great holiday. If you get a chance, definitely go and play the courses.
Monday, 30 April 2007
Callaway FT-i Square Driver Review

There are times when you hit it like a complete donkey and struggle to hit a barn door with a shovel, but somehow you still make a good score. Well, the square drivers are like the bad round that turned out good.
If you can get past the looks and weirdness they do what they say on the tin - Hit the ball long and straight. What would you rather prefer? A driver that is just gorgeous to look at that sticks you in the garbage more often than not, or an ugly driver that splits the fairway and sets you up with your favourite iron to the green?
When you do hit the FT-i, it does make a stranger sound. It isn't like the all titanium drivers that make the sweet ping sound. It is a bit more of a clunky sound. It will take me a bit to get used to that. The only thing that I am disappointed in was that it would take up to two months to get the specs that I am looking for. Well, what can I say I am very fussy when it comes to my golf clubs and wasn't exactly looking for off the rack specs, so I really only have myself to blame.
One thing I did like about the FT-i was the ball flight. I had the same trajectory pretty much every time. I have a GBBII Pro Series and sometimes it will come out a bit low or a bit hight, but with the FT-i, no matter where I hit it on the club face, there always seemed to be the consistency of ball flight.
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Who Loves Golf?
If you have any questions regarding your swing, equipment, or anything to do about golf, then please feel free to e-mail me at:
There will also be a section for your stories, so if you have any funny golf stories, or stories about your amazing feats on the golf course, please let me know and I will post them on the site for you.
Spring Golf
Everytime I get that picture in my head, I just want to grab the clubs and go and have a game.
Sitting in front of the computer now, looking out the window with the sun shining just makes me want to go play.
So, what are you waiting for? Go grab the clubs, savour the Spring sunshine and have a great game.