I have been working pretty hard on improving my strength, especially in my legs and core. I got The Naked Warrior book for Christmas. It is written by Pavel Tsatsouline who is quite frankly a god in my opinion when it comes to increasing your strength.
I have read it cover to cover once and now in the process of re-reading it again from start to finish. While I have been practicing I have been diving in and out of different sections depending what I felt I needed to clarify.
There are only two exercises in this book. I was a little surprised at first and was a bit unsure as to how much it would help. Well, that thought was soon chucked right out the window. The two exercieses are the one legged squat (pistol) and the one arm one leg pushup.
It is really kicking my backside. The focus is on pure strength. The skills that you learn in this book are the kind of skills that you can transfer to everything you do. My legs are definitely getting stronger. There is still a long way to go, but a month working with this book has already got me further than a year doing leg extensions in the gym.
I now realised that to get a great workout anywhere you don't need any equipment. For golfers looking to add some distance to their game, this book will help. By strengthening your legs and core it means that you don't have to work as hard to generate the same power as before. Golf will be easier for you as a result.